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The project around the vitrified wall at the hillfort Broborg - further information

Presentation at Blå Wingen, Långhundra Thursday, April 26th at 18:30 hours

Information released in conjunction with the excavation

Press release

Poster at Broborg (Please observe! Large file, 18 MB)

Selected references from and about the project

Sjöblom, R., Ecke, H. and Brännvall, E. Vitrified forts as anthropogenic analogues for assessment of long-term stability of vitrified waste in natural environments. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, Vol. 8, No. 3 (2013) pp 380-399.

Correlating ageing and durability of ancient glasses to predict long-term performance of vitrified waste. Highlights of fiscal year 2016 projects. U. S. DOE Office of Environmental Management International Program.

Sjöblom, R., Weaver, J., Peeler, D., McCloy, J., Kruger, A. A., Ogenhall, E. and Hjärthner-Holdar, E. Vitrified hillforts as anthropogenic analogues for nuclear waste glasses - project planning and initiation.International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning. Vol. 11, Nr. 6, pp. 987-906, 2016.

Weaver J. L., McCloy J. S., Ryan J. V., Kruger A. A. Ensuring longevity: ancient glasses help predict durability of vitrified nuclear waste. American Ceramic Society Bulletin. 2016;95:18-23.

Weaver J. L., Pearce C. I., Sjöblom R., McCloy J. S., Miller M., Varga T., Arey B. W., Conroy M. A., Peeler D. K., Koestler R. J., DePriest P. T., Vicenzi E. P., Hjärthner-Holdar E., Ogenhall and Kruger A. A. Pre-viking Swedish hillfort glass: A prospective long-term alteration analogue for vitrified nuclear waste. International Journal of Appllied Glass Science. 2018;1–15.

Sjöblom R., Hjärthner-Holdar E., Pearce C., Ogenhall E., Englund M., McCloy J., Weaver J., Vicenzie E., Peeler D., and Kruger A. The mystery of the vitrified ancient hillfort. Kemivärlden Biotech Kemisk Tidskrift, sidan 35, januari 2018.

Sjöblom R., Hjärthner-Holdar E., Pearce C., Ogenhall E., Englund M., McCloy J., Weaver J., Vicenzie E., Peeler D. and Kruger A. Vitrified wall material from the hillfort Broborg in Sweden - genesis and ageing. Reflecting Futures, 24th annual meeting of the European Arcxhaeological society. Barcelona September 5-8, 2018. Abstract and powerpoint presentation.

Selected literature

Arbetsgrupp Långhundraleden. Långhundraleden, en seglats i tid och rum. Almqvist & Wiksell, 1993. ISBN 91-630-1518-8.

Arbetsgrupp Långhundraleden. Nytt Ljus över långhundraleden, bygder, båtar natur. Grahns Tryckeri, 2011. ISBN 978-91-633-8925-2.

Olausson M., Redaktör. Runnhusa, bosättningen på berget med de många husen. Archaeologica and the authors, 2011. ISBN 978-91-978833-2-0.

Olausson M., Editor. Runsa borg. Representative life on a migration period hilltop site - a scandinavian perspective. Jungel Förlag, 2014. ISBN 9789187309298.

Ralston I. Celtic fortifications. Tempus Publishing, 2006. ISBN 0 7524 2500 5.

Harding D. W. Iron age hillforts in Britain and beyond. Oxford University Press, 2012. ISBN 978-0-19-969524-9.

Fagerlund D. Fornborgen Broborg, arkeologiska undersökningar 1982 och 1983. Upplandsmuseets rapporter 2009:05. Upplandsmuseet, 2009.

Kresten P, Ambrosiani B. Swedish vitrified forts - a reconnaissance study. Fornvännen. 1992;87:1-17.

Kresten P, Kero L, Chyssler J. Geology of the vitrified hill-fort Broborg in Uppland, Sweden. GFF. 1993;115:13-24.

A few links

Three dimensional model of the excavation at Broborg which took place in October 2018.

The webb page of the archaeologists

A presentation of the work at PNNL

Interview with Albert Kruger, US DOE ORP, and Carolyn Pearce, PNNL

From WSU's magazine (WSU = Washington State University) Washington State Magazine

From US DOE Office of Environmental Management

From the internet site of the State of Oregon, presentation by Albert Kruger, US DOE ORP

News article in Message to Eagle

Hillfort atlas. The atlas covers the Birtish isles and Ireland.

Upplandsmuseet (the county museum of Uppland)

Information on the waterway can be found on the webbpage of Arbetsgruppen Långhundraleden. (The Working Group the Långhundra Waterway)

Information about Broborg can be found e. g. at the following internet pages:, och

Video on Youtube about Broborg from Visit Knivsta

Video on Youtube with "The story of Broborg" from Visit Uppland (the story is actually about Grimsa)